linus’ webbed site

hi there! welcome to my personal website. that’s me, the idiot with the red shoes. this is the dumping ground for all my useless ideas that are too long for shitposts

Two idiots on a tandem bike

i write

it’s been awhile since I last wrote longform stuff just for fun, and the results are,,, pretty cringe if i’m being honest. even then, i guess that’s the first step towards not sucking at it

anyways here are my 3 most recent posts:

and here are some posts i’m particularly proud of:

you can see the full list of them over at The Archive™ or read them all as a huge blob in the amalgamation.

i write (the other kind)

most of the stuff i make is situated software so it doesn’t really make sense to show off here

one thing i can show is the push notification api. it provides a minimal http interface for dispatching notifications to ones mobile device. i use it to notify myself of failed cron jobs etc. on my server

i also co-authored the BuffCurrency browser extension. it automatically convertes prices fron yuan to the users preferred currency on buff. i find the recursive solution pragmatically elegant in the same way as many other effective solutions on the web.

there’s the uwuifier extension: a silly joke which ended up requiring an unfair amount of research into how the dom is structured and how e.g. React work under the hood.

i’ve also made hellohtml. itslike codepen except,, much worse.

you (can) write (to me)

if you find an issue with the site feel free to create an issue. it could be anything: an issue with HTML accessibility, a bad wording, a factual mistake, etc.

i also exist in other places on the cyberweb.

this site is built with build.tcl. last rebuild was at 02:20 on 06/10/2024.